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Friday, February 3, 2012

Way late...

I've been meaning to start this blog since about...oh, 13 weeks ago! I always knew that as soon as I got pregnant, I would want to start a blog about the whole journey. Well, here I am now at almost week 18 and I'm just now starting. Better late than never, right? :) These post will probably be all all over the place since I'm not a true blogger...just all my thoughts as we go on this crazy ride for the next 5 months.

This pregnancy has been somewhat of a love/hate relationship! The beginning was absolutely awful...being sick every.single.morning for weeks was no fun at all, now I'm in the stage of enjoying every single moment and actually enjoying it!...I'm sure the farther along I get, I will be at the hate part again...but we'll see.

Although I haven't been blogging my pregnancy, I have been good about taking weekly belly pictures. I started that around week 14 with a chalkboard idea I found on Pinterest, which in turn I found a blog, that I now follow. She has had the most amazing blog and it's been so fun to read all her post that she has had her whole pregnancy. If you want to read her blog, it is

For those of you who don't know (and I'm sure you don't because most people that do know, will probably never read this blog), we're having a sweet baby GIRL! Her name will be Blakeley Kate Brown and she is due to come into this crazy world on July 9, 2012! We could not be more excited to meet her! (I will blog on our gender revel party that we had last Saturday, along with lots of pictures!)

For now, I will leave you with my 17 week picture and some updates on what's going on and add my weekly pictures before now!

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain: at last appt. on 01.12.2012 I was up 5 lbs. (130)..I'm thinking I've now gained around 10 total!
Maternity clothes? Absolutely...can still fit into one pair of regular jeans with the ponytail holder trick...but I'm all for some comfy maternity clothes and leggings!
Stretch marks? None yet...and I hope I NEVER have to say yes to this question...
Sleep: is absolutely wonderful...until I wake up and I feel like I could sleep for 10 more hours...
Best moment this week: is feeling her move a lot more!
Miss anything? YES!, hotdogs, deli meat, feta cheese...pretty much anything I can't have while pregnant!
Movement: LOTS of it!
Food cravings: nothing really that I'm craving but I could eat chips and dip/salsa for days...
Anything make you sick or queasy? the smell of ground beef cooking...YUCK! I've just now been able to eat it on occassion
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: nada..and don't want to for a while!
Belly button in or out? f.l.a.t.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or moody most of the time? both...happy but can cry at the drop of a hat...(or when my husband doesn't offer me a snickers bar when he gets one)
Looking forward to: SEEING her move from the outside, hubby being about to feel her kick, & our 20 week appointment in 3 weeks!

now for weekly chalkboard pics from weeks 14, 15 and 16....

1 comment:

  1. What kind of chalk did you use? I am currently 6 weeks pregnant and the Target brand chalk barely shows up on my board. I made my board with spray chalkboard paint but I am going to get the brush on kind this weekend because I have heard its more durable. I follow the Baby Garvin blog too.
